

MagnTek’s rotary position sensor MT6835 is an IC based on advanced AMR technology. A rotating magnetic field in the x-y sensor plane delivers two sinusoidal output signals which indicating the angle (α) between the sensor and the magnetic field direction.
The sensor is only sensitive to the magnetic field direction in x-y plane as the sensing element output is specially designed to be independent from the magnet field strength.


Features and Benefits

Based on advanced AMR Technology with 0~360° Full Range Angle Sensing
21-bit Core Resolution with Maximum Rotation Speed Up to 120,000 RPM
Output Propagation Delay <10 us
User Auto-Calibration and Distortion Compensation with Target INL<±0.07°
-40~125℃ Operating Temperature Range
Independent Output Interface: ABZ, UVW,PWM and SPI 
Incremental ABZ Resolution 1~16,384 Pulses per Revolution User Programmable
UVW Output Resolution 1~16 Pole-Pairs per Revolution User Programmable
3.3~5.0V Programmable EEPROM


Absolute Angle Position Sensor
BLDC Motor Control
Servo Motor Control
Stepping Motor Control
Optical Encoder Replacement



  MT6835 Datasheet

